A powerful tool, right in the palm of your hand! PivotalView from Pivotal Tools is a mobile business intelligence power tool specifically designed for Independent Grocers. It’s a tool that empowers department and store managers to deliver real sales growth by providing information from back office system reports plus the insights you and your team need delivered automatically to any smartphone. All for the price of a cup of coffee!
This is a tool that delivers proven sales growth. To put PivotalView to the test, we partnered with a multi-store retailer that was skeptical that such an easy-to-use tool could deliver real sales growth and a strong ROI. To demonstrate the value of PivotalView, we selected 12 of the retailer’s store managers and department managers across multiple locations who were underperforming. We measured performance by comparing the sales growth of their department or store to that of the chain as a whole. Underperformance was defined as year-on-year sales growth that was below that of the chain for the year. We divided the 12 merchants into two groups, the demonstration group — the 6 merchants empowered with PivotalView — and another 6 merchants who formed the reference group who did not use PivotalView. We then evaluated their performance over a 2-month period.
The results of our test were significant and rapid. Five of the 6 merchants who used PivotalView went from underperforming their chain to overperforming in only 2 months, generating more than $200,000 (annualized) in incremental sales! One of the new PivotalView users, a department manager, went from #7 in terms of performance in the chain to #1 (as measured by same store sales growth)! Pretty impressive, don’t you think?
If you’d like to see more detailed results of this study, or you’d like to learn more about PivotalView, e-mail us at [email protected]. We look forward to talking with you about this incredible tool that delivers proven results!