Over the past decade, leading supermarket chains have put a lot of time and resources into improving processes and increasing efficiency. And these efforts have paid off in a big way, with operating costs down across the industry. Still, fierce competition among grocers and customers has created a new paradigm. Supermarkets are now looking for even more ways to improve productivity, employee satisfaction, and customer service.
Consider that labor costs are one of the highest variable costs that grocers deal with. That’s where technology comes in. We’re going to take a look at a few of the solutions available to stores today.
1. Self-checkout lanes
Self-checkout lanes are, above all, quite cost-efficient. A lot of grocery stores use self-checkout lanes because it helps them reduce the load on their staffed register lanes. This allows them to sharply reduce labor costs and pass those savings on to their customers.
2. Workforce management systems
Stores can cut some of their variable costs by using workforce management systems. By employing standard planning solutions, they can better manage staffing levels, schedules, and payrolls without hiccups. Each point of inefficiency in staff planning and scheduling can mean thousands of dollars in losses or more. Planning extra hours when they aren’t necessary hits the bottom line in a negative way.
Fortunately, technological solutions exist that allow supermarkets to better predict optimal sizing of employees and better assign tasks. This creates a better customer service environment and happier employees.
3. Robotic solutions
Technology has come a long way. Today, stores can address labor challenges and drive greater efficiencies through technological solutions. Take the Tennant Robotic Cleanin Machine as one example. This machine is designed to work safely alongside employees, cleaning the floor and allowing them to focus on more important tasks. And floor scrubbers are not the only robotic solutions available to stores today. Automation and robotic store support are the norms.
4. DoorDash and other delivery services
Consider we now live in the age of the online order. DoorDash and other delivery services have made it easier than ever before for consumers to get their goods. But how do you sign up for these services and make sure you are represented across the various apps and delivery services available? That’s where we come in.
At UNFI Professional Services, we can help you implement any one of these best practices and ensure your store is ready to compete in the 21st century. Check out all the ways we can help at our website!