Redeeming coupons is a popular way for your customers to save on their grocery bill. UNFI is here to support the commitment you make to your customers by accepting coupon offers. Our expert Coupon Services team will get coupon payments to your store faster while simplifying your redemption processes. We have a partnership with an industry leading clearinghouse to ensure proper coupon validation and payment.
It’s simple: Your store collects coupons redeemed by consumers. You will submit coupons every one to four weeks based on your store’s coupon volume while using our email submission form. Your submissions are tracked via UPS/USPS. It’s that easy.
Benefits of our Coupon Services program include:
Fast payment. Time is money. Improve your cash flow with the fastest coupon payment turnaround in the industry.
Best-in-class redemption. Ensure face-value coupon payments with our best-in-class redemption services.
Denied payment support. UNFI works on your behalf to get payments from manufacturers who deny payments.
Income revenue share. Improve your promotional income by participating in the coupon handling share. (Tiered handling share is based on your annual coupon volume.)
Detailed reports available upon request. Just ask!
For conventional retailers, advance credit is typically granted within one week of coupon receipt for all properly submitted coupons. For natural retailers, you can expect to receive net payment within two to three weeks of coupon receipt for all properly submitted coupons.
For conventional retailers, face-value payments are issued via credit on your retailer statement, typically within one week. Adjustments are processed within a few weeks. For natural retailers, net payments are issued via check.
What about digital coupons? At UNFI Professional Services, we know that digital coupons are becoming increasingly important to consumers. Our Digital Coupon Processing services features a seamless digital coupon redemption process. Our clearinghouse is partnered with multiple eCommerce providers which delivers a seamless digital coupon redemption process.
Want to learn more? E-mail us at [email protected].